Monday, June 23, 2014

CBSA Releases Annual Bioscience Colorado Magazine at BIO International Convention in San Diego

Colorado BioScience Association is releasing its annual edition of Bioscience Colorado, this week, at the BIO International Convention in San Diego, CA. The announcement is made by CBSA President & CEO April Giles, who says, “In this issue we are looking at the intersection of people and data, and how it benefits human health. Big Data is now playing a critical role within the bioscience industry—from the personal devices on our wrists monitoring our bodies, to electronic medical records housing our health histories—data is valuable.”

Bioscience Colorado is a key resource for companies, investors and economic developers, and has become the go-to source for the industry. With a total audience of over 8,000, including online impressions, this publication is one of the industry’s greatest voices—locally, nationally and internationally.

This new issue, Drawing People & Data Together to benefit human health, includes:

* Mobile Health in Colorado: Where “Big Data” Sparks Big Ideas
* Biodesix Harnesses Machine Learning and Analytics to Tackle Multivariate Diagnostics
* Bioscience in Colorado Continues to Shine with U.S. Senator Michael Bennet
* Colorado Life Science Assets: A Sophisticated Repertoire of Clinical-Stage Therapeutic, Device and Diagnostic Products
* Boettcher Investigators: Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program
* Found in Translation: Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Translational Research Programs Focus on Innovative Treatment of Eye Diseases
* Tech Transfer Offices Connect the Dots between Research and the Marketplace, Stimulate State’s Economy
* Colorado by the Numbers: Financing and Acquisitions
* Grant Programs: Innovation Engines
* Colorado Bioscience Industry Directory

The complete flip book of the issue can be found online at:

Download the pdf at:

Link to the Business Wire newswire:

Link to the PitchEngine Social Media Release: