Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Innovation and Job News: "State of Downtown Denver 2015 has plenty to praise"

Quoting from Chris Meehan's posting yesterday in Confluence Denver:

"Last year, downtown Denver saw $1 billion in investments through completed projects. In 2015, that figure is expected to nearly double to $1.9 billion. That's just one key takeaway from the State of Downtown Denver 2015 event, hosted by the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) on March 24.

There was a host of data showing the recent successes of Denver and how the city is poised to keep growing -- for instance, residential population has grown 165 percent since 2010. "In order to ensure future success we need to understand what we did right to get us where we are today," explained DDP CEO Tami Door at the event."

Link to the full article at Confluence Denver

Link to the 2015 State of Downtown Denver report

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